Send us your flour sack!Deutsch

Hall of Fame

The Sackotheque

Room 06

Over 3,600 flour sacks from more than 140 countries – a number that takes some “digesting”. The world’s biggest flour sack collection has now found a home in the Sackotheque of the FlourWorld Museum. Here we have created an individual place of honour for each flour sack. All the sacks are arranged systematically according to the English names of their country of origin. That means you can choose a particular sack you wish to see from the collection and look at it.

At a media table you can search in the Sackotheque data base or find information on the production of flour. The guessing game “Rickle, rackle” challenges you to find the right language, and no-one escapes a liberal coating of flour – from Laurel and Hardy to disagreeable politicians. For flour is everyone’s business.