„flour art museum“ – the book to go with the collection
What is feminine about wheat? When did wheat-growing reach the African continent? And why have painters chosen corn as their subject all through the centuries? You will find well-researched and very entertaining answers to these and many other fascinating questions in the book “flour art museum – a Worldwide Gallery of Flour Sacks”. The chapters deal with such topics as “Corn in the World of Art”, “The History of Flour” and the various symbolic meanings behind the motifs on the flour sacks.
And there are hosts of flour sacks to be seen too, of course! To be precise: over 2,400 exhibits from more than 121 countries – the greater part of the 3,600 or more flour sacks that are now shown in the FlourWorld Museum. Each continent is described on a double page, with fascinating, specific information and economic data. Did you know, for example, that the bagel – a typically American product – originated in Central Europe? Or that wheat grows at an altitude of over 4,500 metres in Tibet? Or that the fertile black earth of the Ukraine makes the country the world’s seventh-largest wheat exporter?
In other words: besides being a very attractive exhibition and museum catalogue, “flour art museum” makes extremely interesting reading on the subject of flour – even (or perhaps especially) for people who have to do with flour and corn in their daily work. The 352-page book is in English and German and can be ordered through the museum, at any bookshop or directly from the publisher: Robert Wenzel Verlag, ISBN-Nr.: 978-3-9807275-6-3.